In the news · 2018
Silicon Republic (Ireland)
30 sci-tech leaders we’ll be following in 2019
Our annual rundown of the key voices in sci-tech to watch in 2019 begins with those leading innovative teams and diverse ways of thinking.
From high-profile business leaders to thought leaders with fresh ideas worth learning from, these are the sci-tech stars we will be watching in the next year.
Telegraaf (The Netherlands)
Bedrijf met vrouw in top scoort
Het loont om meer vrouwen aan te stellen in de top van bedrijven. Ondernemingen met minimaal 20% vrouwen in leidinggevende posities zijn namelijk gemiddeld winstgevender, zo blijkt uit een onderzoek van vermogensbeheerder UBS.
Financial Planning (United States)
Assets balloon in gender equality funds, but do they work?
As more clients make investments based on their personal values, there’s a growing interest in funds relating to gender equality. In the public market, assets put into these products grew from $100 million to $2.4 billion in the past four years, according to a 2018 study by Veris Wealth Partners. The number of gender-focused investment vehicles identified by the firm has grown from eight to 35.
Il Sole 24 Ora (Italy)
SSGA, committente di “Fearless Girl”, incassa rating basso per l’uguaglianza di genere
“Fearless Girl”, la ragazza che sfida il Toro a Wall Street torna di attualità. State Street Global Advisors(SSGA), terzo gestore patrimoniale al mondo con asset per circa 3mila miliardi di dollari, aveva commissionato la scultura in bronzo all’artista Kristen Visbal…
Citywire (United Kingdom)
UK at ‘tipping point’ for gender lens investing
At the start of the month, 300 people from 43 countries attended the world’s first annual gender-smart investing summit in London. Asset managers, institutional investors, venture capitalists, non-governmental organisations and entrepreneurs came together for two days.
Noticias Bancarias (Spain)
BBVA, en el Top 30 de empresas con las mejores prácticas en diversidad e inclusión
BBVA se encuentra en el Top 30 de las compañías que más y mejor están apostando en materia de diversidad en el panorama empresarial español.
Financial Advisor Magazine (Unites States)
Gender-Equality Investing On Rise
Gender equality investing is on the rise, but broaching the topic with clients remains a challenge for most financial advisors because it involves discussing values and products that advisors may not be aware of, according to experts at the 6th Annual High Water Women’s 2018 Investing for Impact Symposium.
Impact Alpha (Unites States)
Some high-profile gender equality funds get low scores…for gender equality
Fearless Girl has some explaining to do. State Street Global Advisors installed the statue of a defiant girl standing her ground in front of Wall Street’s Charging Bull last year in part to market its SHE exchange-traded fund. The statue’s original plaque (later removed) read: “Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference.”
Quartz (Unites States)
This tool is an easy way to check if your investments support gender equality
A growing wave of investors want to put their money where their morals are. And in the so-called “Year of the Woman”—christened as such because of the impact of the #MeToo movement and record gains by female candidates in the US midterm elections—there are more opportunities to use finance as a tool to promote gender equality.
Barron’s (Unites States)
Just How Gender-Equity Focused Is That Fund, Anyway?
The fund industry continues to launch more funds investing with an eye toward environmental, social and governance, or ESG–150 in 2018 alone at last count.
Silicon Republic (Ireland)
Diana van Maasdijk from Equileap wants to expose gender inequality at the top
As executive director at Equileap, Diana van Maasdijk wants to encourage transparency and create a positive feedback loop that will expedite the progress of workplace gender equality.
Fortune (United States)
General Motors Is Leading the Charge Toward Gender Equality in the Automotive Industry
With a female chief executive, gender parity among its board of directors, and strides toward equal pay, General Motors is leading the automotive industry toward equality.
La Tribune de Geneve (Switzerland)
Un an après #MeToo, l’état de la parité dans le monde
La plupart des entreprises ont amélioré leurs pratiques en matière de parité depuis l’an dernier. La Suisse n’y brille pas.
Financial Advisor Magazine (United States)
Gender-Equality Investing On Rise
Gender equality investing is on the rise, but broaching the topic with clients remains a challenge for most financial advisors because it involves discussing values and products that advisors may not be aware of, according to experts at the 6th Annual High Water Women’s 2018 Investing for Impact Symposium.
La Libre (Belgium)
Le top 20 des entreprises qui respectent le plus l’égalité homme-femme
Equileap distingue les entreprises égalitaires en termes de genre. General Motors remporte le 1er prix. L’Oréal est n°1 en Europe . Voici le classement.
Morningstar (United Kingdom)
Why Investors Should Care About Diversity
Better gender and ethnic diversity makes for a more successful company. We reveal five stocks that are delivering on social considerations.
Fortune (United States)
GM Named World’s Top Company For Gender Equality
General Motors is the world’s best company when it comes to gender equality, according to a new report released on Thursday.
USA Today (United States)
GM named No. 1 company in world for gender equality in the workplace
General Motors is ranked No. 1 in the world for gender equality in the workplace. That’s according to the Global Report on Gender Equality released Thursday.
City AM (United Kingdom)
Diageo, WPP and Standard Chartered top league table of leading UK brands for gender equality
Drinks maker Diageo, WPP and Standard Chartered have been named as the top performing UK companies for gender equality.
Les Echos (France)
Egalité femmes-hommes : la France peut mieux faire sur les salaires
Deux entreprises tricolores, L’Oréal et Kering, figurent parmi les trois meilleurs élèves en matière d’égalité professionnelle dans le monde, et cinq sont dans le Top 20, selon la dernière édition du palmarès international de l’association Equileap.
Seattle Times (United States)
GM named No. 1 company in world for gender equality
The only Puget Sound area company on the list of 200 top companies compiled by Equileap was Microsoft, which came in at No. 78.
Le Figaro (France)
L’égalité hommes-femmes mieux respectée dans les grands groupes
Le mouvement #MeToo a notamment contribué à une prise de conscience, selon Equileap qui dresse un classement mondial des sociétés les plus efficaces en la matière.
The Herald Scotland (United Kingdom)
Raise a glass for equality
Drinks giant Diageo has been named the best UK company for gender equality, including pay and family leave.
De Telegraaf (The Netherlands)
Bij deze bedrijven zijn man en vrouw het meest gelijk
Grote bedrijven doen het steeds beter als het gaat om gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen. Dat concludeert Equileap, een belangenorganisatie die diversiteit wil bevorderen.
All News (Switzerland)
Equileap: entreprises mondiales et égalité des genres
General Motors assure la première place, suivi de près par L’Oreal avec le meilleur score en Europe. Starhub a le meilleur score en Asie Pacifique.
The Irish Times (Ireland)
Ireland’s lack of gender equality in the boardroom
No Irish listed company made a top 200 ranking of global businesses in developed countries in terms of women holding board or executive roles.
The Economist (United Kingdom)
Sexual-harassment scandals are hurting companies’ reputations and balance sheets
Almost a year has passed since American news outlets first published stories containing allegations of sexual assault about Harvey Weinstein, a film-studio boss who has since been charged with multiple counts of rape.
Rathbone Green Bank (United Kingdom)
Jo Andrews, Equileap
Jo is co-founder of Equileap, a social venture that aims to accelerate gender equality in the workplace using the power of investments, knowledge and donations.
ETF Strategy (United Kingdom)
UBS gender equality ETF breaks through $100m AUM ceiling
The UBS Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (GENDER SW) has surpassed $100 million in assets under management just eight months after the fund launched in January earlier this year.
PEAK Insight Journal (United Kingdom)
Gender Lens Investing and Moving the Needle on the Sustainable Development Goals
“A goal without a plan is just a wish,” said the much-loved author and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, killed nearly eighty years ago at the start of the Second World War. It’s a good and concise way to explain some of what funders do: we create plans to turn goals into achievable change, and sometimes we succeed and, if we are honest, often we fail. Change is a hard master.
UN Global Compact
United Nations Global Compact Progress Report 2018
L’Oreal was ranked first among over 3,000 global companies by Equileap, a non-profit organization that aims to accelerate progress towards gender equality at work (page 27).
Forbes (United Kindgdom)
Rebel Bankers Are Forging A ‘Noah’s Ark’ Of Female Finance
A culture of mansplaining, laddy sports events, and a failure to recognize female leaders has been failing the female pound (and dollar).
Ethical Corporation (United Kindgdom)
Investment in girls attracts serious money
It used to be that investors who wanted to adopt a gender lens would look at impact funds supporting microcredit initiatives or female entrepreneurs.
E24 (Norway)
Oljefondet vil være en enorm maktfaktor
Likestillingskampanje inviterer til dugnad i bank- og finansnæringen, og ber Oljefondet trappe opp investeringene i likestilte bedrifter.
All News (Switzerland)
Parité salariale hommes-femmes : le manque de transparence
86% des entreprises ne communiquent pas sur les inégalités salariales, selon la récente étude d’Equileap.
EXtra Magazin (Germany)
„Wir wollen uns deutlich breiter aufstellen“
Heike Fürpass-Peter betreut nun im deutschsprachigen Raum nicht nur die Privatanleger sondern auch die institutionellen Kunden von Lyxor. Das EXtra-Magazin nahm dies zum Anlass, sie über die neuen Herausforderungen in ihrer Funktion zu befragen, die Innovationen des Hauses sowie den ETF-Markt insgesamt.
Jornal Economico (Portugal)
Investimento nos fundos “#MeToo” dispara 41%
A igualdade de género está cada vez mais no radar dos mercados. Num ano, o investimento que segue este tipo de estratégia disparou 41%.
Handelszeitung (Switzerland)
Gerechte Rendite
Zwei Däninnen lancieren Anlagevehikel, die auf Unternehmen mit hoher Diversität setzen. Dabei arbeiten sie mit Baloise und Julius Bär zusammen.
Financial Advisor (United Kingdom)
It’s Time To End Sexual And Gender-Based Violence
Equally important, investors have the opportunity to influence fundamental corporate behavior by investing in companies that embed a comprehensive commitment to gender equity into their policies and practices.
El Economista (Spain)
Para la empresa, a nivel proactivo, es una obligación moral ofrecer productos más responsables
“En 2017, hemos conseguido ser carbón neutral con energía renovable”
“En 2016, el 82% de los productos lanzados mejoró su nota de impacto”
Het Financieele Dagblad (The Netherlands)
‘Als de minister van emancipatie moet huilen, dan moet het wel erg zijn’
Een nieuwsbericht in de krant, verder bleef het rustig rond de lancering van Equileap – een stichting die de beurswaarde van gendergelijkheid in kaart brengt.
Challenges (France)
Ces grands groupes qui jouent le jeu de l’égalité salariale hommes-femmes
Les ressources humaines font tourner leurs statistiques pour corriger les inégalités salariales. Mais, pour beaucoup, seul un travail sur l’évolution professionnelle et la gestion de carrière permettra d’y parvenir.
ETF EXTRA Magazin (Germany)
Gender-ETF: Lady’s First
Ein Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) auf frauenfreundliche Firmen? Das klingt erst einmal spannend. ETFs bilden exakt einen Finanzmarktindex nach. Im Fall des neu in Deutschland über Xetra und Börse Frankfurt handelbaren Lyxor-Gender ETFs handelt es sich um den Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality Net Total Return EUR Hedged Index.
De Dikke Blauwe (The Netherlands)
Mijlpaal Equileap: vijfhonderd miljoen dollar aan beheerd vermogen
Equileap, de organisatie van Diana van Maasdijk en Jo Andrews die gendergelijkheid in het bedrijfsleven wil bevorderen, heeft een van de eerste doelen behaald: het overtreffen van vijfhonderd miljoen dollar aan beheerd vermogen met Equileap data.
ETF Strategy (United Kingdom)
Lyxor introduces euro-hedged share class for gender equality ETF
European ETF provider Lyxor has introduced the Lyxor Global Gender Equality (DR) UCITS ETF – Monthly Hedged to EUR – Acc (ELLH GY), a currency-hedged share class of its global gender equality ETF.
ETF EXTRA Magazin (Germany)
Erster Gender Equality-ETF von Lyxor auf Xetra gestartet
Seit dem 26. März ist der erste Gender Equality-ETF des Emittenten Lyxor International Asset Management nun auch in Deutschland über Xetra und Börse Frankfurt handelbar. Der ETF wurde bereits schon im November 2017 aufgelegt und war bisher nur an der Euronext in Paris gelistet.
Het Financieele Dagblad (The Netherlands)
Pijnlijk fluitconcert bewijst nut van strijd meer vrouwen in de top
Op Internationale Vrouwendag mocht Equileap in de Amsterdamse beurs aandacht vragen voor het gebrek aan vrouwen in de top van het bedrijfsleven. Dat pakte anders uit. Op weg naar de gong liepen wij, circa twintig vrouwen, langs de boven de handelsvloer gelegen balustrade.
ETF Strategy (United Kingdom)
ETFs ring the bell for gender equality
In events co-coordinated by Women in ETFs, 63 stock exchanges around the world hosted bell ringing ceremonies to mark International Women’s Day and to help advance the cause of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The Globe & Mail (Canada)
RBC launches first gender-diversity ETF that tracks only Canadian companies
RBC Global Asset Management is joining the roster of firms that now offer gender diversity exchange-traded funds for investors looking to promote women in the workplace.
RTBF (Belgium)
L’égalité hommes-femmes en entreprise, c’est possible !
L’entreprise L’Oréal s’est classée à la première place du classement Equileap en 2017. Ce classement évalue 3000 entreprises dans 23 pays différents. L’entreprise de cosmétique a été félicitée pour la parité hommes-femmes qui règne entre ses murs.
Le Parisien (France)
Parité : chez L’Oréal, les femmes valent (parfois) mieux que les hommes
En gros plan, tube de mascara à la main, souriantes, en train de se coiffer… au siège de L’Oréal, à Clichy (Hauts-de-Seine), les femmes sont partout. En photos sur les murs, dans les bureaux (au total, près de 60% des 1800 salariés du groupe sont des salariées).Et jusqu’au sein du conseil d’administration et du comité exécutif, qui comptent respectivement 46% et 33% de femmes. A tel point qu’en 2017 le géant français a été classé premier au palmarès Equileap* qui compare l’égalité homme-femme dans plus de 3000 entreprises parmi les plus importantes de la planète.
The State of Women (United States)
Gender equality in the workplace: Equileap’s Global Report ranks over 3,000 Companies
When companies embrace gender diversity, it does more than help women succeed—it helps businesses thrive. Women Investing in Women is thrilled to partner with Equileap, an organization aiming to accelerate progress toward gender equality in the workplace, which recently published the first Gender Equality Global Report and Ranking, an in-depth look at the achievements in gender equality—and opportunities for improvement—for thousands of leading companies.
ETF Strategy (UK)
Lyxor to bring gender equality ETF to London Stock Exchange
Lyxor is planning a cross-listing of the Lyxor Gender Equality ETF, Europe’s first ETF to focus on companies leading the field in gender equality, on London Stock Exchange.
Quartz (UK)
More investment firms are letting clients put their money where their mouth is on gender equality
In the wake of the #MeToo movement, simply talking about the treatment of women and fretting about gender inequality are no longer enough. A demand for tangible action to make gender equality a reality is sweeping across many industries.
ABN AMRO (The Netherlands)
Investeren in gelijkheid loont!
Diana van Maasdijk richtte in 2012 het team Filantropie Advies op bij ABN AMRO. Na vijf jaar was het tijd voor iets nieuws. Dat werd Equileap, een stichting die bedrijven onderzoekt en beoordeelt op gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen.
Nestegg (Australia)
Gender equality push enters investment sphere
A major investment bank is making sure celebrities and politicians aren’t the only ones to champion gender equality, by launching an ETF with a gender equality remit.
Advisor Lyxor (Italy)
La gender equality si veste di etf
La parità di genere diventa anche un prodotto finanziario. L’antesignano in ciò è stato Lyxor AM che ha quotato il primo ETF sulla parità di genere in Europa, il Lyxor Global Gender Equality (DR) UCITS ETF.
Telegraaf (The Netherlands)
Oorlog om de millennial
Secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden, zoals uitgebreide verlofregelingen, flexibiliteit en een goede kantine op het werk, worden favoriete wapens in de oorlog om jong en schaars ict-talent.
Asia Asset Management
AAM new product roundup
US-based derivatives marketplace CME Group and the Japan Exchange Group (JPX) have announced that the Japanese yen-denominated Tokyo Stock Price Index (Topix) futures contracts will begin trading on CME Globex on February 5.
Financial Standard (Australia)
New ETF to combat gender inequity
The Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF is the latest addition to the suite of impact investment products offered by UBS. It will invest in the Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Index.
Investor Daily (Australia)
UBS launches global gender equality ETF
The ETF is a joint collaboration between UBS Asset Management and UBS Wealth Management and invests in the Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders index, according to a UBS statement.
Finanzen (The Netherlands)
UBS lanceert ETF die bedrijven selecteert op balans tussen mannen en vrouwen
De Zwitserse bank UBS heeft een Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) op de markt gebracht dat alleen belegt in bedrijven die geen onderscheid maken tussen man en vrouw en dat wereldwijd promoten.
Private Banking Magazin (Germany)
UBS startet ETF mit Fokus auf Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
Die UBS hat gemeinsam mit Equileap den Global Gender Equality Ucits ETF aufgelegt. Der Fokus liegt auf Unternehmen, die sich in Sachen Geschlechtergleichstellung hervortun.
ETF Strategy (UK)
UBS introduces gender equality ETF
UBS Asset Management has launched the UBS Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (GENDER SW) on SIX Swiss Exchange, providing exposure to global companies perceived to be leading the field in terms of gender equality.

Global Times (UK)
UBS launched a fund to only deposit in firms which promote gender equality
UBS launched a fund on Monday that invests in firms
which promote gender equivalence to cash in on a flourishing trend
towards reliable investment.
Investment Europe (UK)
ETF joins gender equality battle
Equileap, the Netherlands based provider of investment tools and information, has announced the launch of the the UBS Global Gender Equality Ucits ETF on the SIX exchange in Switzerland, based on its Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders index.
ETF Express (UK)
Timely gender equality ETF launched by UBS
At a timely moment when gender equality is being thoroughly debated in the news, UBS has launched an ETF based on global gender equality with Equileap, provider of data related to gender equality in the corporate sector.
Citywire (UK)
UBS AM launches gender equality Ucits ETF
UBS has bolstered its ETF offering with the launch of a gender equality-focused fund, the company has announced.
Business Insider (UK)
UBS launched a fund to only invest in firms which promote gender equality
UBS launched a fund on Monday that invests in firms which promote gender equality to cash in on a growing trend towards ethical investment.