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Rewire News Group (United States)


Work at a Big Company? Your Insurance Probably Doesn’t Cover Abortion
Obtaining health care in the United States involves navigating a behemoth of inaccessibility and confusion. This opacity applies tenfold when it comes to reproductive health care. Birth control coverage is debated at the Supreme Court; infertility care is famously cost prohibitive, and insurance coverage often restricts how many times someone can try for a family using in vitro fertilization (IVF). The difference between access and no access often comes down to financial means.

Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy)


Un indice per investire rispettando la diversity
La parità di genere è uno dei requisiti ormai imprescindibili in base ai quali i grandi investitori si muovono nel mondo. Ecco che da Morningstar arriva il nuovo indice sulla diversità di genere pensato per il mercato giapponese.Si tratta del Morningstar Developed Markets ex-Japan Gender Diversity Index, un nuovo indicatore alimentato dai dati e dalla metodologia di punteggio di Equileap, il principale fornitore di dati e approfondimenti sulla parità di genere nel settore aziendale.

Forbes (United States)


Did You Know The Total Number Of Female Chairs Of The Board Are Less Than Male Chairs Named John?
The pursuit of gender equality is like taking two steps forward and one step backward. Year after year, studies are showing gradual improvements towards closing the gap. The process is slow, but with corporate leaders’ persistence and commitment to bridge the gap, it will eventually bring it to a close.

Citywire (United Kingdom)


World’s largest asset owner invests €2.4bn in gender diversity index
Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, which oversees $1.4tn (€1.15tn) in assets, has invested €2.4bn (¥900bn) in a gender diversity index launched by Morningstar and Equileap. The index weights are based on 19 gender equality criteria devised by Equileap, which include gender balance across the workforce, the gender pay gap, paid parental leave, and anti-sexual harassment policies.

Pensions & Investments (United Kingdom)


GPIF chooses Morningstar, MSCI for ESG-themed indexes
Government Pension Investment Fund, Tokyo, has allocated and begun passively investing a total of ¥1.3 trillion ($12.5 billion) against two ESG-themed benchmarks run by MSCI and Morningstar. The world’s biggest pension fund said in a document published on its website Friday that it had added the MSCI ACWI ex-Japan ex-China A ESG Universal with Special Taxes index and the Morningstar Developed Markets (ex-Japan) Gender Diversity index to its roster following a due diligence process.

Responsible Investor (United Kingdom)


Japan’s government pension fund unveils $12bn allocation to global ESG and gender equity indices
The largest pension fund in the world, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), has announced a combined $12bn investment in two ESG equity indices – comprising approximately $9.7bn to MSCI’s ACWI ESG Universal index and $2.9bn to Morningstar’s Gender Diversity Index.

The Asset (Hong Kong)


Morningstar launches new gender diversity index
Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), the world’s largest pension fund with about US$1.5 trillion in assets under management, has adopted a new index rolled out by investment research provider Morningstar to provide exposure to developed-market companies with strong gender diversity policy and practices.

Bloomberg (Japan)



L’AGEFI (France)


La finance américaine progresse vers l’égalité hommes-femmes
Mixité. L’industrie financière américaine n’a pas à rougir de ses performances en matière de mixité, si l’on s’en réfère à Equileap. Le fournisseur de données sur l’égalité hommes-femmes, qui a passé au crible les entreprises du S&P 500 en mars.

All News (Switzerland)


S&P 500: plus de John (23) que de femmes (21)
Dans la première analyse de la performance des sociétés du S&P 500 en matière d’égalité homme-femme réalisée par Equileap, General Motors est l’entreprise américaine la plus performante, suivie de Nielsen et de Kellogg’s.

Realtid (Sweden)


Sverige utklassar på jämställdhet
Holländska Equileap mäter varje år 19 olika jämställdhetsfaktorer i över 3 500 företag och får på så sätt fram ett index. Årets resultat visar att europeiska bolag globalt utklassar på jämställdhetsområdet. 75 procent av de bolag som delar med sig av löneinformation segmenterad på kön är till exempel europeiska.

MarketWatch (USA)


There are more S&P 500 CEOs named Michael or James than women chief executives
Just 6% of S&P 500 companies have a woman CEO, according to a new report assessing the country’s top public companies on measures of workplace equality as of this past March. That makes the 40 chief executives named Michael or James more common than the 31 women CEOs, found the analysis by Equileap, an independent data provider that publishes insights on corporate gender equality.

Volkskrant (The Netherlands)


‘KPN het meest gendergelijk’, maar Nederland scoort internationaal gezien nogal ondermaats
Het telecombedrijf heeft weliswaar een mannelijke baas en scoort matig op het percentage vrouwen in de organisatie, maar doet het goed op in totaal negentien criteria waaronder de loonkloof man/vrouw, partnerverlof en beleid tegen seksuele intimidatie en voor meer gendergelijkheid.

El Economista (Spain)


El Ibex 35, ‘bronce’ en igualdad de género pero debe mejorar la representación de la mujer en los consejos
Dentro de los criterios ESG (medio ambiente, sostenibilidad y buen gobierno), que los inversores suelen tener en cuenta, la igualdad de género ha sido uno de los asuntos que ha ido ganando peso en los últimos tiempos.

El Pais (Spain)


Las empresas del Ibex avanzan en igualdad de género pero todavía están lejos de la paridad
Una de cal y otra de arena. Las compañías del Ibex 35 siguen avanzando en las políticas que fomentan la igualdad de género, pero la presencia femenina es todavía muy modesta en las esferas más altas de las empresas cotizadas. Esta es una de las principales conclusiones del estudio que este jueves publica la organización Equileap…

Ansa (Italy)


Italia al top in Ue per quote rosa cda, in ritardo su parità
Italia è in coda agli altri grandi paesi europei per l’equità tra uomini e donne nelle società quotate, nonostante abbia il primato per le quote rosa nei consigli di amministrazione, a seguito della legge. Una ricerca di Equileap su dieci indici di Borsa e 255 società quotate, finanziata dalla Commissione europea, attribuisce alle aziende del Ftse Mib 40 un voto complessivo di gender equality di 42%…

Il Messaggero (Italy)


All’Italia maglia nera del gender gap, 38% di donne nei cda ma solo il 12% ai vertici di una azienda
Parità di genere nelle aziende: all’Italia va la maglia nera tra i grandi paesei europei. L’equità tra uomini e donne nelle societa’ quotate, nonostante il nostro paese abbia il primato per le quote rosa nei consigli di amministrazione, a seguito della legge Golfo-Mosca, resta sempre al palo.

Borsen (Denmark)


Kun ét dansk C20-sel­skab ran­ge­rer i top-20 på eu­ro­pæ­isk plan: Re­k­rut­te­ring med ano­ny­me cv’er kan give ef­fekt på li­ge­stil­lingen
De danske C20-selskaber får smæk i ny rapport om ligestilling mellem kønnene. En anderledes rekruttering kan sikre bedre balance.

Realtid (Sweden)


Sverige utklassar på jämställdhet
Holländska Equileap mäter varje år 19 olika jämställdhetsfaktorer i över 3 500 företag och får på så sätt fram ett index. Årets resultat visar att europeiska bolag globalt utklassar på jämställdhetsområdet. 75 procent av de bolag som delar med sig av löneinformation segmenterad på kön är till exempel europeiska.

Etica News (Italy)


Equileap, le top 20 per gender equality. Unica italiana: Enel
A livello esecutivo e dirigenziale, le donne europee sono ancora sotto-rappresentate: in media, costituiscono il 31% dei membri del consiglio di amministrazione, il 16% dei direttori esecutivi, 25% del senior management.

Extra ETF (Germany)


Ein ETF zum Frauentag? Dank Equileap-Index Ja!
Hinter dem Namen Equileap verbirgt sich eine der weltweit führenden Organisationen, die sich für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter engagiert und dafür reihenweise Daten und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Verfügung stellt.

France Info (France)


La France championne d’Europe de l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les grandes entreprises, selon une étude
En matière de lutte contre les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes, les entreprises françaises du CAC 40 font mieux que leurs homologues européennes, mais il y reste aussi beaucoup à faire, selon une étude parue mercredi 4 mars. Au classement général, la France, avec 52 points sur 100, devance la Suède (49), l’Espagne (46), l’Allemagne (44) et l’Italie (42).

Le Figaro (France)


Égalité entre les sexes dans les grandes entreprises: la France championne d’Europe
D’après une étude du cabinet Equileap, le CAC 40 est plus en pointe dans le combat pour l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes que ses homologues européens.

Business Insider (Germany)


Studie zu Gleichberechtigung in Europa: Nur ein deutsches Unternehmen schafft es in die Top Ten
Bei einer Studie zur Geschlechtergleichheit in 255 europäischen Unternehmen belegt Deutschland den vierten Platz. Von 100 möglichen Prozent erreichte Deutschland 44. Davor liegen Frankreich (49 Prozent), Schweden (49) und Spanien (46).

Les Echos (France)


Egalité femmes-hommes : la France bonne élève de l’Europe, mais peut mieux faire
Selon l’organisation Equileap, la France est la meilleure élève de l’Europe en matière d’égalité professionnelle. « La mise en place de quotas de femmes dans les conseils d’administration a un impact positif significatif », souligne Diana van Maasdijk, directrice générale d’Equileap, qui pointe a contrario la persistance des inégalités salariales malgré l’index.

Handesblatt (Germany)


Studie zur Geschlechtergleichheit: L’Oréal schneidet am besten ab
Bei einer Studie zur Geschlechtergleichheit schneiden viele französische Unternehmen gut ab. Das beste deutsche Ergebnis erzielt ein Softwarekonzern. Bei einer Studie zur Geschlechtergleichheit in 255 europäischen Unternehmen schneidet der französische Kosmetik-Konzern L’Oréal am besten ab. Von möglichen 100 Prozent erreichte das Unternehmen in der am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Studie 73 Prozent.

Morningstar (United Kingdom)


10 Undervalued Companies That Empower Women
Not only is the gender pay gap real, it’s pernicious. Estimates of how wide the gap is varies according to different research methods, but most sources agree that it’s still significant. The Pew Research Center found that women made 85% of what men did in 2018. The Census Bureau, meanwhile, found in 2017 that women earned 80% of what their male counterparts earned.

Hamilton (USA)


Because Hamiltonians Make Change: Diana van Maasdijk ’93
As co-founder and CEO of Equileap, Diana van Maasdijk ’93 is a global force in the fight for workplace gender equity. Equileap uses investment capital to promote equity, staking out a position as “the leading organization providing data and insights on gender equality in the corporate sector.” Van Maasdijk answers some questions for us about what she does and why she does it.