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ETF Stream (United Kingdom)
Euronext unveils first gender equality indices
The Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100 index and Euronext Equileap Gender Equality France 40 index will offer exposure to the top-performing companies in target regions based on Equileap scoring on gender balance in leadership and workforce, equal compensation and work-life balance, policies promoting gender equality and commitment, transparency and accountability.
Les Echos (France)
Euronext lance deux indices boursiers sur la parité en France et en Europe
L’opérateur boursier paneuropéen s’est associé avec le fournisseur de données spécialisées Equileap pour construire ces nouveaux indices boursiers. Après avoir lancé la déclinaison ESG du CAC 40, Euronext espère se faire une place dans le secteur très concurrentiel des indices financiers grâce à son expertise dans la finance responsable.
ETF (United Kingdom)
Morningstar Launches Gender Diversity Index
Morningstar has launched a gender diversity index in partnership with specialist data provider Equileap. The Morningstar Eurozone Gender Diversity Select 50 index targets companies that align with ESG standards and which have strong gender diversity policies and practices within their culture.
NTV (Japan)
女性の扱い“最低” 日本の上場企業がジェンダー平等で最下位に
RNZ (New Zealand)
New Zealand behind world on gender pay gap reporting – survey
Gender pay gaps have flourished in a culture of continued secrecy around salaries, and a global survey shows more work is needed to shine a light on discrimination in the workplace.
Sustainable Japan (Japan)
CNBC (United States)
By the numbers, corporate progress on gender diversity is a failure
When Anat Ashkenazi became CFO of Eli Lilly in 2021, she noticed a data point that was frustrating: she was the only female CFO in the biopharma sector. Her path had been relatively easy, she says, moving to the U.S. from Israel 21 years ago and coming from a substantially different culture in which gender inequality was less of an issue. “I was never thinking about being the only women in the room,” said Ashkenazi, a CNBC CFO Council member.
The Guardian (United Kingdom)
Companies with female leaders outperform those dominated by men, data shows
Women should play a central role in the UK’s post-pandemic economic recovery, with evidence revealing companies with more female leaders outperform those dominated by men, according to House of Commons research.
Australian Daily Telegraph (Australia)
Mirvac tops global ranks in gender equality
The property developer has managed to hold its gender pay gap at zero for the past six years.
Corriere (Italy)
Parità di genere, da Poste Italiane a Unicredit: 5 aziende italiane nella Top 100 globale di Equileap
Equileap, organizzazione leader che elabora dati e approfondimenti sulla parità di genere in ambito corporate, ha individuato come ogni anno la classifica delle cento aziende a livello globale che forniscono un contributo significativo nel divario di genere sia in ambito retributivo che in tema di discriminazioni. Tra queste si trovano anche alcuni gruppi italiani che, dati i recenti sviluppi sull’argomento, si sono distinti.
The Australian (Australia)
Mirvac tops global ranks in gender equality
The property developer has managed to hold its gender pay gap at zero for the past six years.
Realtid (Sweden)
DNB näst bäst i världen på jämställdhet – Castellum etta i Sverige
Sverige rankas högt men långt ifrån högst på jämställdhet globalt. Men svenska Elekta är samtidigt ett av endast 19 företag i världen som jämnat ut löneskillnaderna mellan män och kvinnor.
Le Temps (Switzerland)
La Suisse se distingue par son incapacité à briser le plafond de verre
Dans un rapport mondial, la société Equileap pointe le manque de progrès des entreprises suisses en matière d’égalité. La participation des femmes au marché du travail y est plus importante qu’ailleurs, mais les promotions sont plus difficiles à atteindre.
The Globe and Mail (Canada)
Canada lags other countries on gender equality in workplace, global study says
Canada’s gender balance in the workplace has improved, but still lags behind other developed countries, according to a new international study, drawing attention to the lack of robust and consistent legislation on the issue.
BFM TV (France)
Egalité femmes-hommes : Les grandes entreprises françaises montrent l’exemple
Les grandes entreprises tricolores figurent à la première place de la dernière édition du baromètre d’Equileap que Les Echos publient en exclusivité. L’Allemagne est septième. Les grandes entreprises françaises ont continué de montrer l’exemple l’an dernier sur le plan de l’égalité femmes-hommes. C’est ce qu’indique la sixième édition du baromètre annuel Equileap publié en exclusivité par Les Echos.
Les Echos (France)
Egalité femmes-hommes : les grandes entreprises françaises en pointe
La France conforte sa première place dans le baromètre d’Equileap centré sur les grandes entreprises dont « Les Echos » publient la dernière édition. L’insuffisante transparence sur les écarts salariaux entre les salariés et salariées est cependant un frein à leur réduction dans l’Hexagone.
La Repubblica (Italy)
Olanda, più capi di nome Peter che donne ai vertici delle aziende. La protesta al femminile su Linkedin: “Anche noi ci chiamiamo Peter”
Sul social nato per sviluppare i contatti professionali almeno 300 dirigenti olandesi hanno cambiato il proprio nome per protestare contro la scarsa rappresentazione delle persone del proprio sesso al top.
VRT (Belgium)
In Nederland heten honderden vrouwen deze week Peter op LinkedIn: wat is er aan de hand?
Zeker 500 vrouwen in Nederland hebben deze week hun naam op de netwerksite LinkedIn veranderd naar Peter. Met die naamsverandering willen ze de ongelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen op de arbeidsmarkt onder de aandacht brengen. De actie werd op poten gezet nadat onderzoek duidelijk heeft gemaakt dat er meer Nederlandse CEO’s zijn die Peter heten, dan dat er vrouwen zijn in die positie.