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Banking Risk & Regulation/Financial Times (UK)
Private lives fair game in misconduct probes, FCA proposes
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is proposing to investigate senior employees’ private lives for evidence of non-financial misconduct, including bullying, racism, and sexual harassment, marking a significant step toward addressing such issues within the regulatory framework, while also calling for more comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategies within firms. The proposals are only as good as the changes they trigger though, says Diana van Maasdijk, CEO of Equileap.
Le Temps (Switzerland)
Le féminisme de «Barbie» sous l’œil des investisseurs
Equileap est spécialisé dans la notation des entreprises sur ce thème. Cette agence basée à Amsterdam publie régulièrement un ranking des grandes sociétés, un indice utilisant des critères comme l’écart salarial entre hommes et femmes, la composition des organes dirigeants ou les politiques mises en place contre le harcèlement sexuel. Alors qu’aucune des deux ne figure actuellement parmi les leaders, Mattel et Warner Bros, sociétés qui produisent et distribuent Barbie, vont-elles gagner des places au classement, seront-elles créditées de l’impact positif de ce film?
Financial Times (United Kingdom)
Business schools make progress on gender balance
Women in top leadership roles in business remain rare. Just 6 per cent of companies globally have a female chief executive, 15 per cent have a female CFO, and 8 per cent have a female chair of the board, according to gender data provider Equileap.
Responsible Investor (UK)
Equileap and Indxx launch US tech gender index
Equileap and index firm Indxx have released a product giving exposure to US tech companies that are improving their gender equality performance. Index constituents will be selected based on how they score on Equileap’s gender equality scorecard and standard liquidity criteria.
ESG Clarity (UK)
Equileap launches women in tech index
Equileap, the gender data provider, and Indxx, have partnered to launch a women in technology index in the US. The Indxx Equileap US Women in Technology Index will track the performance of technology companies in the US that are making the most improvement in terms of gender representation throughout their whole corporations.
Financial Times (United Kingdom)
The whistleblowing lessons from the CBI scandal
56 % of UK listed companies don’t disclose an anti-sexual harassment policy according to Equileap compared to 40% globally.
Pensions & Investments (UK)
Japan’s GPIF allocates $3.7 billion benchmarked to new Morningstar diversity index
The fund has invested in at least two gender-focused indices in the past few years. The Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index Uses assessments by gender diversity data provider Equileap to tilt constituent weightings in favor of companies with class-leading corporate policies and those with a track record of ensuring equal opportunity for employees.
Responsible Investor (UK)
GPIF reallocates $3.7bn to Morningstar gender fund
Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, hired a manager to run ¥500 billion ($3.7 billion) benchmarked to the newly launched Morningstar Japan ex-REIT. Gender Diversity Tilt index. Morningstar announced the launch of the index April 14, and said in a separate statement that the index was developed using Morningstar’s index methodologies and Equileap’s Gender Equality Scorecard.
Bloomberg (Japan)
Japan’s Pension Fund GPIF Deploys $3.8 Billion to Gender Diverse Local Firms
The world’s largest pension fund is allocating 500 billion yen ($3.77 billion) to an index of Japanese companies that do better on gender diversity as Japan looks to bolster its low ranking for diverse workplaces.
The Globe & Mail (Canada)
Not a single large, public Canadian firm has closed the gender pay gap, study finds
“Unfortunately, Canada is not doing that great – it’s kind of mediocre when you look at these 23 countries,” said Equileap CEO Diana van Maasdijk. “The two areas that Canada does stand out as doing better on gender equality metrics is they have more anti-sexual harassment policies, and the companies also do better on supplier diversity policies.”
Want to invest in companies that empower women? Here’s what you need to know
Some providers use research from data provider Equileap, which focuses on gender equality, to help determine holdings. The Amsterdam-based firm researches and ranks 4,000 public companies around the globe using 19 criteria, including the gender balance of the workforce, as well as pay gaps, career training, recruitment and female-friendly policies.
ETF Stream (UK)
World’s largest pension fund invests $3.7bn in gender index
The world’s largest investor, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), has allocated $3.7bn to track the newly-launched Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt index in partnership with Equileap.
Responsible Investor (United Kingdom)
Gender diversity: What does the data say?
There is always good and bad news when it comes to gender diversity. Looking at the details however, presents a less than rosy picture, says Diana Van Maasdijk, founder of diversity data firm Equileap.
ETF (United Kingdom)
Equileap’s van Maasdijk: Why Women on Boards Isn’t a Proxy for Gender Equality
Investors and index providers need to consider far more than just headline numbers on women in leadership when assessing whether companies are advancing gender equality, according to Diana van Maasdijk, co-founder and CEO of Equileap. Speaking to ETF Stream ahead of International Women’s Day, van Maasdijk said women on boards alone is not a proxy for gender equality, with her firm identifying as many as 19 relevant metrics.
BFM TV (France)
Entreprises : la France reste un des leaders de la parité dans les organes de direction
Les instances dirigeantes des entreprises françaises continuent de se féminiser, selon deux études parues jeudi. Pour autant, elles sont beaucoup plus présentes dans les conseils d’administrations que dans les comités exécutifs.
HR Magazine (UK)
UK ranks fifth globally for progress on gender equality
Gender equality has seen steady but significant progress around the world, according to new research. Social enterprise Equileap, which gathers gender equality data, published today (2 March) results showing large companies have made significant improvements over the past three years, with the UK ranking fifth globally.
Europa Press (Spain)
Cuatro españolas entran en el último ranking Equileap de igualdad de género, con AENA y Enagás en el ‘top 20’
Cuatro españolas figuran en el último ranking Equileap de igualdad de género, con AENA y Enagás en el ‘top 20’, mientras que BBVA y Red Eléctrica también aparecen en la clasificación de este 2023, que componen un centenar de compañías. “Es decepcionante ver que, a pesar de todas las conversaciones y compromisos de los líderes mundiales, el progreso real hacia la igualdad de género en el lugar de trabajo sigue siendo dolorosamente lento.
Les Echos (France)
EXCLUSIF – Egalité femme-homme : les grandes entreprises françaises toujours en tête, mais l’écart se réduit
Une bonne élève, la meilleure, même. Cette année encore, la France conserve la première place dans l’édition 2023 du classement d’Equileap des grandes entreprises de 23 pays en matière d’égalité femme-homme. Pour son baromètre dont « Les Echos » publient les résultats en exclusivité, ce cabinet spécialisé dans la fourniture de données sur la parité avec lequel Euronext s’est récemment associé pour publier deux indices boursiers a passé au crible 3.787 entreprises dont la capitalisation boursière attend au moins 2 milliards de dollars.